by Moises Garza

January 15, 2019

1670 Marriage of Bernabe Gonzalez and Josefa de Trevino
Last Names of Nuevo Leon

This is the December 28, 1670 marriage of Bernabe Gonzalez and Josefa de Trevino who got married in what is now Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. They are my 8th great grandparents.

This record is interesting because it mentions that Josefa's last name is Tremiño which is the original last name that Treviño evolved from. It is also interesting that my ancestors, Juan Bautista Chapa, is listed as a witness of the marriage.

The record does not mention it but the parents of Bernabe Gonzalez are Bernabe Gonzalez Hidalgo and Leonor Gutierrez Garcia. Josefa's parents are Juan de Treviño and Ana de Maya.

The above image is the first part of this record, below is the second half to it.

Marriage Transcription of Bernabe Gonzalez and Josefa de Trevino

Bve. Goncalez Y Josepha de Tremiño españoles

En Veinteiyocho de Diciembre demil
y seisientos Y Setenta años despose; velo con
mi licencia el Pe. Guardian Fr. Juan de Salas

a Bve. Goncalez Y Ma Josepha de Tremiño havi
endo precidido las bannas en ocho doze y diez
y nueve de dicho mes fueron testigos An
dres Goncalez Nicolas de Ochoa y Juan Bapta.
Chapa y lo firme -

Franco de Laurel

View Original at FamilySearch

If this couple is also one of your ancestors please let me know how you are related to them in the comments of this blog post.


  • Jose Francisco Garza Carrillo, Matrimonios de la Catedral de Monterrey 1667 -1781 (Monterrey, N.L. Mexico, Self-Published, 2004), Pg. 5.
  • "México, Nuevo León, registros parroquiales, 1667-1981," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 21 May 2014), Monterrey > Catedral > Matrimonios 1667-1800 > image 10 of 732; Parroquias de la Iglesia Católica, Nuevo León (Catholic Church parishes, Nuevo León).

The 7th We Are Cousins Virtual Genealogy Conference Will Take Place September 11-13, 2024

About the author 

Moises Garza

I have doing my family genealogy since 1998. I am also the creator of this blog We Are Cousins, and the Mexican Genealogy blog. To always be up to date with both of these sites follow me on Facebook. To contact me or book me for a presentation, buy my books, and or learn more about me visit my personal website at

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  1. Thank you for sharing.

    Josefa Tremiño Amaya is my 2nd cousin 10 times removed and Bernabé (González Gutiérrez) González Hidalgo is first cousins 11 times removed.

    Married 28 Dec 1670 in Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico.

    They are parents of Antonio Gonzalez Hidalgo, Francisco Gonzalez Hidalgo Trevino, Maria Gonzalez, Isabel Gonzalez, Anastacia González Hidalgo, Juan Gonzalez, Maria Josepha Gonzalez Hidalgo, Lucas Gonzalez Hidalgo, Marcos Gonzalez and Mateo Regalado Gonzalez.

    Source: Wiki Tree family tree.

  2. Hello Moises.

    Cousins again…

    Bernardo and Josepha are my 8th great grand parents through Antonio González (their son) and Juana Garza, married in Monterrey 29 dec 1691

    Cita acta de matrimonio en libro original

    “México, Nuevo León, registros parroquiales, 1667-1981,” images, FamilySearch (,45389702,46695301 : accessed 12 Apr 2014), México, Nuevo León, registros parroquiales, 1667-1981 > México, Nuevo León, registros parroquiales, 1667-1981 > Monterrey > Catedral > Matrimonios 1667-1800 > image 44 of 732.

    One comment:
    if I am no wrong, the parents of Bernabe Gonzalez are Bernabe Gonzalez Hidalgo and Leonor García Gutierrez Abrego. Please tell me if you agree.

    Roberto Herrera Ritte

  3. …. and Josepha Gonzalez Hidalgo, daughter of Bernardo and Josepha too, married to Carlos Cantú del Río y de la Cerda Treviño.

  4. Hi Cousin Moises, they are my 9th great grand parents: Relationship to me
    Bernabe Gonzalez Hidalgo Gutierrez 9ggf (1640 – 1720)
    9th great-grandfather
    Antonio Gonzalez Hidalgo 8thggf via Alanis (1670 – )
    Son of Bernabe Gonzalez Hidalgo Gutierrez 9ggf
    Maria Francisca Hidalgo Gonzalez 7thggm via Alanis (1702 – 1779)
    Daughter of Antonio Gonzalez Hidalgo 8thggf via Alanis
    Maria Petra Benavides Gonzalez Alt 6thGGM thru Alanis (1748 – 1802)
    Daughter of Maria Francisca Hidalgo Gonzalez 7thggm via Alanis
    Jose Antonio Lopez 5th ggf thru Alanis (1756 – 1821)
    Son of Maria Petra Benavides Gonzalez Alt 6thGGM thru Alanis
    Maria Juana Lopez 4thggm via Alanis (1781 – )
    Daughter of Jose Antonio Lopez 5th ggf thru Alanis
    Maria Francisca Del Refugio Alanis 3rdggm via Alanis (1824 – )
    Daughter of Maria Juana Lopez 4thggm via Alanis
    Francisco Garcia Alaniz 2nd GGF*** (1850 – )
    Son of Maria Francisca Del Refugio Alanis 3rdggm via Alanis
    Valentin Garcia Nunez GGF*** (1888 – 1925)
    Son of Francisco Garcia Alaniz 2nd GGF***
    Rodolfo Garcia (1910 – 1989)
    Son of Valentin Garcia Nunez GGF***

  5. Hi Moises! Bernabe GONZALEZ and Josefa DE TREVINO are 8th great uncle and aunt to my husband Joey. Thank you for sharing. As always when there’s a match, I’ve saved your blog link to my tree. 🙂

  6. Hola Moises, somos primos por mucho (Son demasiados de la Garza en mi árbol) Y veo tenemos muchos ancestros en común, and i just realized that I assumed you speak Spanish.

    I’m very confused with Bernabé González Hidalgo Gutiérrez Captain 1640–1720 and his wife and mother, they shared the same name? Here you mentioned both are called Josefa de Trevino, maybe my information is wrong. This what I got:

    *Bernabe González Hidalgo Navarro 1606–1672 – Leonor Ábrego Gutíerrez de Baeza 1618–1696
    *Bernabé González Hidalgo Gutiérrez Captain 1640–1720 – Maria Josefa Treviño De Maya –1720

    I noticed some people use Amaya, which is it? Amaya or De Maya? Are they Basque?

    *Maria Gonzalez Hidalgo Treviño 1678–1724
    *Maria de Jesus De la Garza Gonzalez Hidalgo
    *Anna Josepha de la Garza 1735
    *Joseph Miguel Gómez De Castro de la Garza 1760
    *Maria Gertrudis Guadalupe Gómes De Castro 1785–1827
    *María Josefa Rafaela De Sada Gómez 1802–1891
    *Refugio Crespo De Sada 1820–1881
    *María del Cármen Muguerza Crespo 1837–1905
    *Ricardo Sada Muguerza 1853–1952
    *Clementina Sada Paz 1894–1968
    *Adriana Vizcaya Sada 1921–2002
    *Su servidora 😀

    Could someone help me with the confusion?

    1. Prima, I do read Spanish, you have them right. I screwed up when writing her name as Leonor Gutierrez Garcia. I use Maya since I have not come across her name spelled as Amaya.

  7. I just noticed you are selling a book with your genealogy (I would most definitely get it) Thank you for your research and for sharing.

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