by Moises Garza

September 12, 2019

Monterrey The Founding Families and Their Descendants
Last Names of Nuevo Leon

In this blog post, you will find more information about my book "Monterrey: The Founding Families and Their Descendants". You will also find a list of the founding families.

The present day city of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon was founded on September 20, 1596 by Diego de Montemayor and 12 other companions and their families. This book is about those families and their descendants.

Prior to Diego de Montemayor’s founding there had been two prior attempts. One by
Alberto del Canto who named the city Santa Lucia but it was unsuccessful due to Indian attacks that caused the settlers to leave.

The second attempt was done by Luis de Carvajal y de la Cueva who negotiated with King Philip II of Spain to stablish a territory in Northern New Spain called El Nuevo Reino de Leon. Within this territory he stablished a settlement called San Luis Rey de Francia within present day-Monterrey. After Carvajal’s imprisonment for allegations that he was Jewish the settlement was abandoned.

The third attempt by Diego de Montemayor was successful and he named the city
Ciudad Metropolitana de Nuestra Señora de Monterrey (“Metropolitan City of Our Lady of Monterrey”).

Don Israel Cavazos Garza and Isabel Ortega Ridaura mention in their book, Historia
Breve Nuevo Leon, a list of the early settlers of Monterrey and thus I consider the people listed there as the founding families.

Cover of the Monterrey Book

Description of Monterrey Book by Amazon

Monterrey was founded in 1596 by Diego de Montemayor along with twelve other companions and their families. This book is about those families and their descendants.

"Monterrey was founded in 1596 by Diego de Montemayor along with twelve other companions and their families. This book is about those families and their descendants".

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Table of Contents

Here is the table of contents so that you can see what is included in the book.

1. Diego de Montemayor Pg. 1

2. Diego de Montemayor and Elvira de Renteria Quintanilla Pg. 113

3. Juan Lopez and Magdalena de Avila Pg. 125

4. Martin de Solis and Francisca de Avila Pg. 133

5. Diego Diaz de Berlanga and Mariana Diaz Pg. 137

6. Lucas Garcia and Juliana de Quintanilla Pg. 141

7. Alonso de Barreda Pg. 389

8. Pedro de Inigo and Mariana Sanchez Pg. 393

9. Diego Rodriguez and Sebastiana de Trevino Pg. 397

10. Diego Maldonado and Antonia de Paz Pg. 401

11. Juan Perez de los Rios and Agustina de Charles Pg. 419

12. Cristobal Perez Pg. 427

13. Domingo Manuel Pg. 431

Index Pg. 435

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About the author 

Moises Garza

I have doing my family genealogy since 1998. I am also the creator of this blog We Are Cousins, and the Mexican Genealogy blog. To always be up to date with both of these sites follow me on Facebook or visit visit my personal website at If you are lookign to hire a professional geenalogist please visit my Services page.

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  1. Is there someone that will be writing a book on the Zamora families from Reynosa ? Where did all the Zamoras come from that received porciones like Dionicio Zamora, Nicolas Zamora, Xavier Zamora etc. Were they related and did they migrate from Monterey or Cerralvo or Cadereyeta ? There was Cristoval Zamora and Maria Cayetana Perez that had two sons named Jose Antonio Zamora born in 1780 and married Maria Ignacia Tijerina and Teodoro Zamora born in 1785 whom married Julillana Villarrea in 1810 and Maria Reyes Munguia in 1816. I would appreciated if you could give me some information. Thanks.

    1. Hi Eloy. I’m happy that I came across your message. Actually I did some research years ago and created a family tree on our Zamora’s. I have not had time to do more research, but I would be happy to communicate with you the tree I designed “years ago.” OK, the furthest I got back was Nicholas Zamora who married Maria Ines Munguia. They had 9 children. Their 5th child, Jose Antonio Zamora married Ignacia Tijerina. They had 10 children. Their first child, Leonor Zamora married Salvador Vela (both my mother and father come thru the Vela – Chapa unions)……and their seventh child was Francisco Zamora, who married twice. First, Angela Garcia (from where my fathers, fathers, father comes in) and second Silvestre Chapa. From the Angela Garcia union, they had 4 children. The 3rd child was Antonio Zamora, who married Josefa Chapa. They had 3 children. The first being Florentino Zamora, Sr, whom is my father’s father (Florentino Zamora, Jr.).

      As I mentioned above, both my mother and father come in thru Leonor. It was not uncommon back in those years to marry cousins. My mom and dad are 3rd cousins. Anyhow, the reasons they encouraged closer marriages was due to the fact that the families did not want the land to disperse into other family names. Of course, the Catholic Church would only allow 3rd cousins, but nothing closer than that.

      I have a lot of Vela – Chapa – Zamora in my family lineage and I too would like to do more genealogical research, but unfortunately work and family have me tied up, so I’m not able to do as much as I’d like. As for the Zamora’s that settled Reynosa I read a book, that they came from Linares. I don’t remember the name of the book as it was years ago and that is where I left off on that lineage. I would like to continue of course when I retire in about 3 to 4 years. For now, please keep in touch and let’s see what we can share. My e-mail address is: [email protected]

      My family calls me by my middle name “Jaime”, so if I sign my messages as “Jaime” you’ll know why. I currently live in Reisterstown, MD, a suburb of Baltimore and I go home to Texas about once a year. Hopefully we can meet one day. I’m sure you are related. Let me know your lineage on your Zamora’s so I have an idea where you come in.


  2. $60 for a paperback? Get real. Most paperbacks on Amazon goes for $7 or less. I would love to read this book because I traveled to Monterrey very often for 10 years and wrote about it in my blog on several occasions and got to know the city well, but I am not willing to paid that absorbent price. Sorry!

    1. Paperbacks on Amazon that are $7 or less are novels for entertainment (they waste your time). This book is a reference book and is only for serious researchers. The information and research for it has taken over 20 years to gather. It is a tool that can save a researcher or family historian a lot of time in their research and save costly research trips to try and find the information contained in it. It is ok if you don’t buy it since this book is not for everyone like a $7 novel would be.

      1. Impressive !!!! This is priceless !!! Not everyone has the time or opportunity to conduct family research. It takes an enormous amount of time and effort to put research of this magnitude together !!
        My step grandfather Juan Felipe Tijerina recently learned he is a direct descendant Diego de Montemayor, which would be his 10th great grandfather through his paternal line.
        This will be his birthday gift.
        A huge thank you for sharing all your hard work and time !! Mil Gracias

      2. I have to agree $60 is a bit steep & I did buy the Tamaulipas book for that amt. I thought it was going to help with my research but I haven't found any of my ancestors listed in it. Now, I found that they lived in Tamaulipas but also Monterrey, Nuevo Leon & other surrounding areas. I'm still not sure which wuld be their most prominent settlement. I won't be purchasing another book until I know for sure.

  3. I can't hardly wait for the book containing Monterrey around 1850's. I am looking for my great great grandmother, Gregoria Balderas.

  4. Hi do you have any on the Barboza’s? My grandfather, which I didn’t meet and my mother didn’t meet her father either, was born Raul Barboza, in Monterrey in 1907. I found him but I couldn’t find his parents.. I just started with “The Reyna/Barboza Family Tree” and I need a little help.. I live in Weslaco Tx.

  5. I just discovered my Great great Grandfather Librado Morales wife was Florentina Escobedo, her lineage goes to Juan Roque Escobedo and mother Juana F. Charles. Her father Juan de Charles Mother is Juana Montemayor Rodriguez. His father was Captured. Miguel De Montemayor to his mother Estafania de Montemoayor to DIEGO MONTEMAYOR married to Juan Porcello de la Cerda. I am currently researching my native ancestry and Spanish/Portuguese lines, your books do help me quite a bit.

  6. I understand that Angela De Leon Cota's ancestors trace back to Nuevo Leon and Zacatecas. Do you know if that is true? Is that lineage mentioned in the books on Nuevo Leon and Zacatecas? If so I would b interested in purchasing them.

  7. My husband is a descendant of Diego de Montemayor & his first wife Inez. But I am looking for Ortiz lineage. I hear that my grandfather Leon Ortiz moved his family to San Antonio during the Mexican Revolution in early 1900 & that he joined the rebels which are Zapata & Villa.

  8. Hi Moises, I was checking out your books. I've been looking for information on orphanages in Monterrey in the 1930's – early 40's. My mother and her siblings stayed in one of those in which one of her siblings died in 1941. I have had a difficult time finding one in that time period. Wondered if during your research you've bumped into anything like that. I also have a picture of my mom telling stories at Radio XEMR in 1943. She also sang there where she met Pedro Infante. Do you happen to have information or photos of radio stations of that period? Names I've been researching are Solis and Hernandez.

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