This book is a genealogical treasure, it holds the Mier Padrones (Censuses) for 1820 to 1826 of the Parroquia of Ciudad Mier, Tamaulipas, Mexico currently under the Dioceses of Matamoros Tamaulipas, Mexico. It is also the transcription of the digital images that you can find at under microfilm 1511692. The images transcribed in this book start on page 546 of this film and ends on page 696.
These images were originally photographed by R. Jimenes and A. Sanchez back in August 13, 1987 under a project by the Sociedad de Genealogia en Mexico.
I thought that it would only be proper to list the priests that originally compiled and wrote these Padrones and that we are so fortunate to have and enjoy their hard work in these present times.
- 1820 – Fr. Antonio del Alamo
1821 – Fr. Antonio del Alamo
1822 – Fr. Antonio del Alamo
1823 – Fr. Felipe de Jesus Cepeda – not listed
1824 – Fr. Felipe de Jesus Cepeda – not listed
1825 – Fr. Felipe de Jesus Cepeda – not listed
1826 – Fr. Felipe de Jesus Cepeda – not listed
As you can see 1823 to 1826 were not signed by the priest. I can only make an educated guess that it was Fr. Felipe de Jesus Cepeda since the handwriting matches the marriages of the same years.
Special thanks go to all the members of the We Are Cousins community. Especially to Blanca Rosales, Clementina Pederson, and Cathy Gutierrez Barraza, without them this book would have never been published.
Make sure and download your fee copy today and if you prefer to buy the physical book it is available through Amazon. You can find both links bellow the book cover image. Also bellow I have included the links to The Mier Church Padrones 1782 – 1795 and the The Mier Church Padrones 1796 – 1806.
Here it is the “The Mier Church Padrones (Censuses) 1820 – 1826”
Download Free PDF Version:
Buy the printed book for: $19.99

Other Mier Padron Book:
In case you have not gotten your copies of the first two books here are the links.
This is the final book, hope that you enjoy it and don’t forget to thank all the volunteers that made them possible.
Thank you for sharing Moises, very useful information for us that have roots in Mier
Joel, glad that you liked it and found ti useful.
Thank you very much Moises.. My great grandparents came to Texas from Mier. I have been searching for them for some time. Hope I can find them here.
What were their names maybe I have them on my database?
Thank you for this valuble information from Mier. My paternal great grandparents are from Mier. I truly appreciate your work and help you give us Moises!
Thank you.