by Moises Garza

October 15, 2011

Last Names of Nuevo Leon
This is a list of all the Marriages for 1902 – 1908 of Los Aldamas, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Information comes from images at FamilySearch, Nuevo León, Civil Registration, 1859-1962 Los Aldamas Matrimonios 1902-1908 To Easily search this index press CTRL+F and enter the name you are looking for.
Marriages of Los Aldamas Nuevo Leon from 1902 to 1908
Marriages for 1902		Pages 1 through 38

Number  Page    Male                            Female
18      26      Gonzalez, Antonio               Alanis, Florentina
7       10      Vela, Benigno                   Leal, Crescencia
14      21      Pena, Cristelo                  Alanis, Bernarda
5        7      Pena, Eugenio                   Rios, Gregoria
1        3      Garcia, Fernando                Zarate, Teresa
9       12      Garza, Genaro                   Lopez, Faustina
10      14      Sanchez, Irineo                 Perez, Sixta
12      18      Garza, Juan                     Pena, Antonia
15      22      Marroquin, Jesus Maria          Reyna, Luisa
17      23      Cantu, Juan                     Cantu, Elijia
6        9      Salinas, Leandro                Garcia, Micaela
16      23      Salinas, Lino                   Pena, Luisa
2        4      Tanguma, Marcelo                Vela, Carlota
13      19      Garza, Mercedes                 Garza, Maria
3        5      Zarate, Perfecto                Garza, Celestina
4        7      Benites, Pedro                  Salinas, Eusebia
11      17      Rios, Ramon                     Rios, Bacilia
8       12      Garza, Secundino                Lopez, Calixta

Marriages of Los Aldamas Nuevo Leon from 1902 to 1908

Marriages for 1903 Pages 39 through 65

Number  Page    Male                            Female		
2        3      Garcia, Antonio	                Longoria, Emilia
6        9      Garcia, Aniceto                 Garcia, Micaela
8       12      Alanis, Albino                  Pena, Gabriela
1        2      Pena, Cosme                     Carillo, Maria
12      17      Garza, Froilan                  Pena, Damiana
5        8      Pena, Guadalupe                 Pena, Dolores
13      19      Pena, Gabriel                   Salazar, Teresa
7       11      Salinas, Justo                  Garza, Elisea
4        5      Pena, Lucio                     Lopez, Clemencia
14      21      Rios, Sabas                     Garcia, Petra
3        5      Zarate, Trinidad                Garcia, Josefa
10      15      Alanis, Tiburcio                Rios, Rosa
9       14      Alanis, Victoriano              Clara, Garcia
11      16      Garcia, Victor                  Lopez, Brigida

Marriages of Los Aldamas Nuevo Leon from 1902 to 1908

Marriages for 1904 Pages 66 through 100

Number  Page    Male                            Female	
7       11      Leal, Ancelmo                   Pena, Genoveva
18      26      Guerra, Alberto                 Garza, Josefa
5       7       Garcia, Blas                    Cantu, Trinidad
15      22      Perez, Crescencio               Leal, Delfina
1       2       Garcia, Eustacio                Garcia, Santos
10      16      Pena, Eusebio                   Guerra, Paula
2       3       Salinas, Guadalupe              Salinas, Locadia
3       4       Alanis, Jose                    Pena, Clemencia
16      23      Marroquin, Juan A.              Garcia, Rafaela
17      25      Garcia, Luciano                 Gutierrez, Nazaria
9       15      Pena, Martin                    Rios, Carlota
11      17      Lopez, Martin                   Lopez, Ramona
13      19      Pena, Manuela                   Pena, Clara
4       7       Rios, Pedro                     Cantu, Felipa
6       9       Carillo, Porfirio               Salinas, Antonia
8       13      Salinas, Placido                Cantu, Juana
14      20      Garza, Pablo                    Amaya, Juana
19      27      Garza, Wenceslao                Saenz, Bernardina
12      18      Ramos, Zenon                    Ramos, Catarina

Marriages of Los Aldamas Nuevo Leon from 1902 to 1908

Marriages for 1905 Pages 101 through 143

Number  Page    Male                            Female	
11      17      Rodriguez, Abundio              Toscano, Luisa
19      29      Rios, Calixto                   Garcia, Gabriela
20      30      Chapa, Camilo                   Ramirez, Guadalupe
16      25      Pena, Dionicio                  Garza, Teofila
1       2       Herrera, Eligio                 Vera, Vita
2       3       Garcia, Felipe                  Garcia, Elena
8       12      Alanis, Francisco               Flores, Rafaela
9       13      Vera, Faustino                  Regalado, Prudenciana
13      20      Cantu, Guillermo                Cantu, Manuela
5       10      Romo, Jesus                     Toscano, Francisca
15      23      Morales, Julian                 Ortiz, Lucinda
3       4       Reyna, Marcos                   Garza, Agustina
4       6       Rios, Maximiano                 Garcia, Felicitas
6       11      Ramos, Matias                   Salinas, Gregoria
14      22      Martinez, Marcio                Gonzalez, Apolonia
7       11      Salinas, Natividad              Ramos, Antonia
17      26      Garza, Narciso                  Pena, Maria
10      15      Pena, Pedro                     Garza, Blasa
12      19      Saenz, Pascual                  Vasques, Juana
21      31      Pulido, Pas                     Salinas, Juana
22      32      Gonzalez, Roman                 Garza, Barbara
18      26      Salinas, Santos                 Gonzalez, Maria
23      33      Pena, Santos                    Alanis, Bacilia

Marriages of Los Aldamas Nuevo Leon from 1902 to 1908

Marriages for 1906 Pages 144 through 194

Number  Page    Male                           Female	
6       8       Garza, Apolinar                Garza, Maria de los Angeles
7       9       Trevino, Apolonio              Hinojosa, Santos
19      24      Cantu, Anastacio               Garcia, Selsa
13      15      Amaro, Benigno                 Garcia, Felipa
27      39      Montalvo, Bartolo              Garcia, Martina
1       2       Benites, Cesareo               Salinas, Martina
20      28      Rodriguez, Cruz                Chapa, Antonia
22      30      Alanis, Canuto                 Gonzalez, Librada
25      35      Gonzalez, Cipriano             Garcia, Matilde
15      18      Vela, Donaciano                Alanis, Nieves
5       6       Solis, Felipe                  Rios, Paula
11      14      Longoria, Francisco            Sanchez, Maria de los Angeles
12      14      Ledesma, Francisco             Rios, Guillerma
17      20      Garcia, Felipe                 Garcia, Viviana
21      28      Rios, Gaspar                   Perez, Fidela
24      33      Perez, Guadalupe               Pena, Nieves
26      37      Ramirez, Gabino                Garza, Manuela
16      19      Rios, Hermenegildo             Martinez, Cenovia
4       5       Salinas, Jose                  Garcia, Tomasa
10      12      Vela, Juan                     Salinas, Susana
18      23      Garcia, Martin                 Garcia, Lus
28      41      Sepulveda, Manuel              Rodriguez, Pas
14      16      Solis, Pedro                   Saens, Lorenza
23      32      Martinez, Rogerr               Cantu, Eusebia
2       2       Garcia, Severo                 Ramirez, Paula
8       9       Trevino, Severiano             Lopez, Felicitas
29      43      Garza, Simon                   Pena, Bacilia
3       5       Zarate, Tomas                  Olivarez, Sanjuana
9       12      Pena, Teofilo                  Pena, Maria

Marriages of Los Aldamas Nuevo Leon from 1902 to 1908

Marriages for 1907		Pages 195 through 258

Number  Page    Male                            Female	
10      14      Gonzalez, Alejandro             Garcia, Anastasia
17      22      Garza, Antonio                  Garcia, Jesusa
15      21      Pena, Antonino                  Pena, Juliana
22      30      Lopez, Andres                   Ramos, Luisa
14      20      Leal, Blas                      Leal, Gregoria
16      22      Gonzalez, Brigido               Cuellar, Juana
20      27      Garza, Cecilio                  Garcia, Eulalia
2       3       Reyna, Eleuterio                Alanis, Adelaida
4       7       Garza, Eusebio                  Lopez, Paula
5       8       Lopez, Herculano                Lopez, Lus
12      18      Garcia, Herculano               Garcia, Teodosa
11      15      Trevino, Julio                  Trevino, Paula
18      25      Pena, Juan                      Rios, Bacilia
21      30      Leal, Jesus Maria               Regalado, Urbana
23      33      Trevino, Juan                   Rios, Epigmenia
3       4       Gallegos, Lazaro                Hinojosa, Leonides N.
19      26      Garcia, Lorenzo                 Garcia, Guadalupe
1       2       Pena, Martin                    Rios, Tomasa
6       10      Gonzalez, Martin                Salinas, Josefa
8       11      Garza, Pedro                    Garza, Guadalupe
9       13      Rodriguez, Perfecto             Alanis, Maria
24      34      Benites, Pedro                  Cantu, Martina
25      35      Alanis, Santos                  Ramos, Elpidia
7       11      Pena, Tomas                     Rios, Cristina
13      19      Ramos, Victorio                 Ramos, Nazaria
26      37      Lopez, Zeferino                 Garcia, Sanjuana

Marriages of Los Aldamas Nuevo Leon from 1902 to 1908

Marriages for 1908 Pages 258 through 282

Number  Page    Male                            Female	
2       2       Pena, Ananstasio                Ramirez, Erlinda
9       10      Morales, Antonio                Gonzalez, Francisca
5       5       Martinez, Bruno                 Pena, Antonia
12      15      Alanis, Conferino               Pena, Carmen
3       3       Vasquez, Emilio                 Garcia, Sanjuana
4       4       Garcia, Exiquio                 Garcia, Estefana
6       6       Pena, Ysidro                    Gonzalez, Lina
1       2       Rios, Jesus                     Rios, Rafaela
8       10      Rios, Jose                      Rios, Antonia
11      13      Lopez, Juan                     Lopez, Sanjuana
14      17      Tanguma, Luciano                Pena, Petra
10      12      Hinojosa, Luciano               Lassaulx, Mercedes
13      16      Garcia, Simplicio               Alanis, Rosaura
7       9       Rios, Vicente                   Almaras, Sara

Sources: Original Images to this Index can be found at –

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About the author 

Moises Garza

I have doing my family genealogy since 1998. I am also the creator of this blog We Are Cousins, and the Mexican Genealogy blog. To always be up to date with both of these sites follow me on Facebook. To contact me or book me for a presentation, buy my books, and or learn more about me visit my personal website at

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  1. Very interesting blog! Found my great grand parents marriage date 1904. Jose Alanis and Clemencia Pena. I am looking for a picture of them. Jose Alanis Cantu was Presidente municipal de Los Aldamas for two terms, I am assuming in the late 1800’s or early 1900’s. I wonder the local library has a picture of him…..

  2. Hello, Mosies I am searching for grandparents antonio alanis he was born 12-30-1930. His parents were Fransico alanis and paula carmona from los aldamas nuevo leon. Do you have any pictures of him in ur books. He has daughter San jaunita alanis. Please reply!!How can get ur books to find old family members.

    1. I do not have pictures of them. I have very few Alanis in my database and they are not related to me, thus my book will not be able to help you. The only book that I have that may be able to help you is the one about learning Mexican Genealogy Research “Mexican Genealogy Research Online” if your budget is tight then I recommend that you sign up for the newsletter at my website As mentioned i do not have pictures of them or have them in my database but I found his birth record and it might be able to help you here is the link,203681201 FInally plase join our FaceBook community and ask there to see if anyone there knows them here is the link to join there are over 350 members.

      Hope this helps,

      Moises Garza

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