by Moises Garza

February 23, 2016

Last Names of Nuevo Leon

This is the 1668 death record of my 9th great grandfather Gregorio Fernandez de Tijerina in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. He died July 5, 1668 and his wife was Breatriz Gonzalez Hidalgo the daughter of Blas de la Garza and Beatriz Gonzalez Hidalgo. As for Gregorio I still have not been able to find whom his parents might have had been. If you have them and have a source for them please let me know. If you are a descendant of his please email me your direct line to him and i’ll email you mine back. That way we can add each other to our family trees.

Cut out of Original Image:

Gregorio Fernandez de Tijerina Death Record FamilySearch, Monteery, N.L. 1668 Pg6-700

View Original Image at

Transcription of death image:

Grego. Fernandez espanol

En cinco de Julio de mil y seiscientos y sesenta y ocho anos murio el Capan. Grego. Fernandez Casado con Beatris Gonsalez confesso. y recibio todos los santos sacramentos. se mando enterrar en el Convto. S. Francisco de esta ciudad testo con dos novenarios cantados, uno en dicho convento y otro en la Parroquial con mas dozientas missas. en el altar del Perdon testo ante Juan de la Garza Alcalde ordino. Sus albaceas el Cpan. Grego fernandez su hijo y su Me. la dicha Beatris Gonsalez y lo firme. –

Franco. de Lacruz


FamilySearch: Mexico, Catholic Church Records (FamilySearch), Gregorio Fernandez de Tijerina Death Record FamilySearch, Monteery, N.L. 1668 Pg6.JPG.

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About the author 

Moises Garza

I have doing my family genealogy since 1998. I am also the creator of this blog We Are Cousins, and the Mexican Genealogy blog. To always be up to date with both of these sites follow me on Facebook. To contact me or book me for a presentation, buy my books, and or learn more about me visit my personal website at

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  1. En la transcripción del acta debe decir:” en el altar del perdón”.
    Gregorio Fernández de Tijerina fue mi noveno abuelo, padre de Andrés casado con Josefa de la Garza (Rentería), padres de Ildefonso, casado con Juliana de los Santos, padres de Cayetano, casado con María de Jesús García y en segundas nupcias con Josefa Góngora, padres de Cosme Tijerina, casado con Mariana de la Garza, padres de Blas Tijerina, casado con Concepción (Ascención) González, padres de Casimiro Tijerina, mi bisabuelo. He pensado que podría ser uno de los dos hijos de Diego de Montemayor el Mozo, pero no lo he confirmado.

    1. Thank you for your help. I already fixed the transcription. I still continue to search for his parents. I think he is the first of his last name to get to the area and thus that is why we have not found his parents.

  2. Any new info???

    Trying to figure out where our Tijerina name came from.

    My grandfather is Tijerina on my mother’s side.

  3. I see in some web pages that Gregorio Fernandez de Tijerina born in 1607 Órense, Spain, but I don’t where they take the information.

  4. Hello. I was wondering if you knew if a grand daughter of his named Polonia Fernandez De Barrios lived in Mexico her entire life or ever moved to another country. When Ancestry DNA still had the app "We're related" they linked Gregorio to one of my family lines as a common ancestor with a former Mexican president. I was never able to confirm whether the Polonia in my family tree could be the same person or what her birth location was and I wasn't sure if I had any Mexican DNA matches who are related to this family. The information I saw about Polonia Fernandez said that her father would have been his son also named Gregorio but the mother was unnamed. The Polonia in my family tree was born in the same time period but I don't have enough information to confirm whether it's plausible for them to be the same person.

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