by Moises Garza

January 12, 2023

Richard King vs. The heirs and assigns of Narciso Cavazos
Last Names of Nuevo Leon

In this blog post you can learn more about the recently published book Richard King Vs The Heirs and assigns of Narciso Cavazos.

If you are a descendant of Narciso Cavazos then this book will be of interest to you.

Narciso Cavazos was the son of Joseph Manuel Cavazos and Maria Josefa Gonzalez Hidalgo. He was born in El Valle del Pilon, nowadays Montemorelos Nuevo Leon.

He was married first to Maria Ignacia Hinojosa and then to Maria Guadalupe Cavazos.

Narciso came to El Nuevo Santander in the late 1700's and purchased the San Juan de Carrizitos Land Grant.

On May 22nd, 1889 Richard King filed a case against the Cavazos heirs and assigns of Narciso Cavazos regarding the Land Grant, San Juan Carricitos.

The book is packed with original copies of court records and accounts of descendants of Narciso Cavazos.

As a genealogist, not a descendnat of Narciso Cavazos, my favorite part of the book is the "An Abstract of Title" towards the end. It mentions the will and many descendants. The book also contains maps showing the land grant and how it was partitined among descendants.

Book: Richard King Vs. The heirs and assigns of Narciso Cavazos

Amazon Descritpion

On May 22nd,1889 Richard King filed a case against The Cavazos heirs and assigns of Narciso Cavazos regarding the Land Grant, San Juan Carricitos, Narciso Cabazos received by the King of Spain, King Charles IV. The largest land grant in south Texas assigned to only Spanish nobels.

The San Juan Carricitos land grant was for 60000 acres in northern Mexico, but then became The United States in December of 1845.

In these documents you will find a division list of the property divided by his heirs and some “purchased” by Richard King, Charles Stillman, and others.

During the court filings of King vs. The heirs of Narciso Cabasos a large chart was made of the land division and who owned the land at that time.
Read testimonies of some of the Cavazos’ heirs themselves.

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About the author 

Moises Garza

I have doing my family genealogy since 1998. I am also the creator of this blog We Are Cousins, and the Mexican Genealogy blog. To always be up to date with both of these sites follow me on Facebook. To contact me or book me for a presentation, buy my books, and or learn more about me visit my personal website at

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  1. My grandpa was Adolfo D. Cavazos and his brother was Antonio Cavazos. I believe same middle initial, I am a descendant of Narcisco Cavazos. We were part of the Reclamantes Asociacions from Texas. Her name in charge was Ms. Zarate, and in the past, and gave it up because it didn't seem to go anywhere. Very much interested in this. My grandpa Adolfo received small checks for mineral rights, but can't remember what company was on the check. It was small amounts. I have questions pertaining to that. Justine Kadric Cavazos is my cousin. Her dad Ramiro Cavazos and Roberto Cavazos, my dad, were brothers. Ramiro and Roberto Cavazos were the sons of Adolfo D. Cavazos. Adolfo Cavazos and Antonio Cavazos ,two brothers married two sisters. Geronima Garza married Adolfo Cavazos and Guadalupe Garza married Antonio Cavazos, all from Texas. I remember my grandpa Adolfo always talking about Mission Texas, Brownsville, the Rio Grande, Reynosa, Matamoros. He saw Pancho Villa ride through town. A lot of stories. My birth name is Linda Geronima Cavazos

      1. I think the boundaries are off, and also it's 600,000,000 acres, not 60,000….when the king or messenger of Spain spoke to the main narcissco, he pointed all the way up: Mexico at Laredo from all the way up was my thought.

        So how big really is this land grant, I find maps of Texas going all the way to Canada.

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