In this post, you will find Crispin Rendon's eBook "Families of Bustamante, Nuevo Leon, Mexico Volume One" and the link to download it for free.
If you have family and or ancestors from Bustamante, Nuevo Leon or it's surrounding communities please make sure to get a copy of this eBook for your genealogical library.
This e-book is an excellent resource so do not miss the opportunity to get a copy for your self.
Introduction of First Volume by Crispin

Crispin Rendon
Volume one of Families of Bustamante, Nuevo Leon, Mexico contains marriage information from the first 500 marriage records found on the browse online collection. The marriages in volume one occurred in the time span of April 28, 1760 to May 12, 1806. Basic information from the marriage records is presented along with other information gathered in an attempt to present two generation descendant reports. Most of the nonmarriage record information presented was gathered using the database index. The marriage records come from film number 605624.
Families of Bustamante, Nuevo Leon, Mexico Volume One

Please ensure that you get a copy of this eBook, since you never know how long it will be available for download.
If you don't have a digital genealogical library this book is a great resource that you can start with.
By the way, don't forget to say thank you to Crispin Rendon for providing us with this great resource just like he has done month after month.