by Moises Garza

May 5, 2020

1696 Death Record of Beatriz Gonzalez Hidalgo
Last Names of Nuevo Leon

This is the 1696 death record of Beatriz Gonzalez Hidalgo who died in the now present-day city of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. She is my ninth great grandmother.

I originally found a reference to her death in the book "Fundadores de Nueva Galicia: Guadalajara Tomo I" by Guillermo Garmendia Leal. The book provided a date and place and all I had to do was go look for it. That is how research goes.

Now, back to the record. Beatriz is the daughter of Blas de la Garza and Beatriz Gonzalez Hidalgo. She was the wife of Captain Gregorio Fernandez de Tijerina. I am a descendant of theirs through their daughters Juan Leonor and Catalina.

Below is the transcription of the record.

1696 Death Record of Beatriz Gonzalez Hifalgo



En cuatro de Julio de mil Seiscientos y nobenta y seis Anos murio
Beatriz Gonzalez hizo testamto. ante Diego de ayala Alcalde ordino. de
esta ciud. Y se mando enterrar en la Parrochial Con vigilia y misa de
cuerpo presente y sele siguiera un nobenario de misas resadas y por
el alma de su marido y Gego. su hijo difuntos quatro misas Resadas y por
el alma de la Gente que avia muerto en su Haza. otras cuatro misas
dexo por su albacea a Andres tixerina su hijo y ala caja santa dos
pesos y alas mandas forsosas a dos Ra. y para que conste lo firme et supra

Br. Lorenzo Perez de Leon

View Original at FamilySearch

If  she is also one of your ancestors please let me know how you are related to her in the comments of this blog post.

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  • Guillermo Garmendia Leal, Fundadores de Nueva Galicia: Guadalajara Tomo I (Monterrey, Nuevo, Leon, Mexico, Self-Published, 1996), Pg. 151.
  • "México, Nuevo León, registros parroquiales, 1667-1981," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 21 May 2014), Monterrey > Catedral > Defunciones 1668-1752 > image 60 of 368; Parroquias de la Iglesia Católica, Nuevo León (Catholic Church parishes, Nuevo León).

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About the author 

Moises Garza

I have doing my family genealogy since 1998. I am also the creator of this blog We Are Cousins, and the Mexican Genealogy blog. To always be up to date with both of these sites follow me on Facebook or visit visit my personal website at If you are lookign to hire a professional geenalogist please visit my Services page.

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  1. I am related to Beatriz Gonzalez Hidalgo, my direct ancestor of 12 generations, married to Blas Ma. de la Garza Falcon. However, my records show she lived from 1591 – 1670. Isn’t this the same Blas Ma. de la Garza that colonized South Texas? The dates are totally different though….confused.

  2. Beatriz is in my family tree as my 9th great grandaunt. I am related through her sister, María Inés de la Garza González Hidalgo, my 9th great-grandmother.

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