by Moises Garza

January 8, 2019

1562 Baptism of Isabel de Quintanilla
Last Names of Nuevo Leon

This is the November 12, 1562 Baptism of Isabel de Quintanilla in Mexico City. She is my 11th great grandmother.

She is the daughter of Diego de Tremino (Treviño) and Beatriz de Quintanilla. She grows up to marry  Pedro Salazar.

I am a descendant through two of their daughters Ana de Salazar and Maria Isabel Salazar.

Transcription of the 1562 Baptism of Isabel de Quintanilla



[?] dias del mes de nobiembre bautizo el senor y cura [?],
a Ysabel yja de diego de tremino y de su mujer beatriz de quin
tanilla feron conpadres Baltasar de Unegas anois 1562 [?]

[?] Ribas

If  is she also one of your ancestors please let me know how you are related to her in the comments of this blog post.

Other Related Articles

The link below explains how I was able to locate this baptism record.

Researching Early Church Records for Mexico


"México, Distrito Federal, registros parroquiales y diocesanos, 1514-1970," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 20 May 2014), Asunción Sagrario Metropolitano (Centro) > Bautismos de españoles 1536-1546, 1552-1589 > image 367 of 1003; parroquias Católicas, Distrito Federal (Catholic Church parishes, Distrito Federal).

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About the author 

Moises Garza

I have doing my family genealogy since 1998. I am also the creator of this blog We Are Cousins, and the Mexican Genealogy blog. To always be up to date with both of these sites follow me on Facebook. To contact me or book me for a presentation, buy my books, and or learn more about me visit my personal website at

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  1. Isabel Quintanilla is also my wife’s 11th great grandmother. Many genealogies have her paternal line being descended from Bernardino Fernandez de Velasco, 1st Duke of Frias, but I have seen no sources cited for this, have you?

    1. Her grandfather was Diego Temiño de Velasco so it may be possible but I have yet to find any records or a secondary source that has proper citations proving whom his parents are.

      1. Interesting enough, Bernardo Fernandez de Velasco was married to Doña Juana de Aragón, Lady of Castilnovo, an illegitimate daughter of King Ferdinand II of Aragon.

        Also descend from Isabel de Quintanilla.

  2. I descend from Ysabel Flores-de-Valdés daughter of María Isabel de Salazar and Rodrigo Flores Carballo (Capt).
    She married Juan Martínez-Guajardo (Alf-Real) first, then Diego Flores de Ábrego ‘El Viejo’.

  3. Hi Moises,

    Her sister Juana is my ninth great grandmother. You and I are fourth cousins or something like that.
    Thanks for all your work that is helpful to so many of us.


  4. Hi Moises! Ysabel is my husband Jose Maria Torres’ 10th great-grandmother. He also descends through her two daughters Ana and Maria Isabel. Any chance you have any documentation on Ana? Thank you for sharing.

  5. She is also my 11th ggm. I also descend from her daughter Maria Isabel. With so many descendants, I wonder why this record has not been added to FamilySearch. Thank you for all you do and share with us primos.

  6. Capt. Diego de TREVIÑO and Beatriz de QUINTANILLA were my 11 ggp’s. I descend from their children Maria, Ysabel, Jose, and Juana.
    I descend from two of Maria’s daughters, Sebastiana and Juliana; Ysabel’s three daughters, Ana, Ma. Isabel, and Juana; Jose’s son, Jose; and six of Juana’s eight children–Blas, Pedro, Alonso, Francisco and José.

  7. She is my 13th great grandmother. If I tracked correctly, her daughter Alfonsa married Juan Alvaro Flores de Valdez continuing on, and yep Captain Diego Flores de Abrego is my 8th ggp.

    His granddaughter Antonia married Ygnacio Valdez Galindo. Several male Galindo generations later, you get my Great-Great grandmother Maria del Carmen Galindo Treviño, who gave birth to Celia Hernandez, who married Isidro Villa and is the mother of my Grandfather Rogelio Villa.

    It’s so fascinating to trace lines so far back!

    1. Leah, my 4th great grandmother is Maria del Carmen Galindo. Her second husband, Manuel Mireles is my 4th great grandfather. Their daughter Marciana married Bacilio Zamora; they are my 3rd great grandparents. Domingo Medina, her son from her first marriage married my 3rd great aunt Isidora Zamora; Bacilio’s sister.

  8. Hola primo, I am descendant of her through her daughter Juana de Trevinio Quintanilla y Salazar (1592).

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