by Moises Garza

May 22, 2018

1734 Baptism of Maria Leonor de Treviño
Last Names of Nuevo Leon

This is the March 31, 1734 baptism of Maria Leonor de Treviño in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Maria Leonor is my 6th great-grandmother.

This record indicates that the parents of Maria Leonor are Juan Francisco de Treviño and Luisa de Gongora. Her godparents are listed as Joseph Francisco de Zepulveda and Margarita de al Garza.

This record also indicates that she was eleven days old when she was baptized and we can safely conclude that she was born March 20, 1734.

Maria Leonor grows up to marry Jose Antonio Cavazos the son of Joaquin Cavazos and Ana Catarina Rodriguez de Montemayor.

Transcription of The Baptism of Maria Leonor de Treviño

Maria leonor española

En treinta y uno de Marzo de mill setesientos y treinta, y quatro años en la Pa
rroquial de esta Ciudad Baptisse; y puse los Santos oleos a Maria Leonor Es
pañola de once dias de Nacida hija lexitima, de Ju. franco. de Treviño, y de
Luisa de Gongora; fueron sus Padrinos Joseph Franco de Zepulveda, y
Margarita de la Garza; a quienes adverti el parentesco y obligacion y
lo firme

Br Juan Baez Treviño

If she is also one of your ancestors please let me know how you are related to her in the comments of this blog post.

For More Ancestors and or Descendants

You can find many generations of ancestors for Maria Leonor de Treviño on the Las Villas del Norte Genealogy Database for South Texas and Northeastern Mexico. There you can also see the 538 descendants I have identified for them. The LVDN database is here:

Other Related Posts

Here is the baptism record of her husband Jose Antonio Cavazos: 1723 Baptism of Jose Antonio Cavazos in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico


The 7th We Are Cousins Virtual Genealogy Conference Will Take Place September 11-13, 2024

About the author 

Moises Garza

I have doing my family genealogy since 1998. I am also the creator of this blog We Are Cousins, and the Mexican Genealogy blog. To always be up to date with both of these sites follow me on Facebook. To contact me or book me for a presentation, buy my books, and or learn more about me visit my personal website at

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  1. Hola Primo Moisés. Al igual que en otras ramas de nuestros árboles genealógicos, en esta también coincidimos con nuestros mutuos abuelos pues LEONOR TREVIÑO GÓNGORA Y ANTONIO CAVAZOS RODRÍGUEZ también son mis sextos abuelos, por línea de su hija María Quiteria Cavazos Treviño casada con José Luis SALAZAR Martínez éstos los 4o. Abuelos maternos de mi Mamá Angelina González SALAZAR. Agradeceré cualquier comentario sobre ésto primo. Saludos.

  2. I thought the Treviño and DeLaGarza families fled Spain as Jews.
    When and why after escaping the Inquisition did they convert?
    Why did we not hold on to our religion, after leaving our country and losing so much did we give in?

    1. I have yet to find proof that they were Jews. We do find Constance and Marcos being burn at the stake but I have yet to find any records linking them to Marcos Alonso de la Garza the progenitor or Trevino and the Garza. As to why convert. Do you want to look at the pie or eat the pie?

  3. Hello Moises,
    Jose Antonio Cavavos Rodriguez de Montemayor is my 2nd cousin eight times removed, husband of Maria Leonor de Trevino.

  4. Hi, Moises – is there a way to look at my parents YDNA and MTDNA to make the relational assessment to this ancestor or is it just too many generations back to do that? I am not an expert with the DNA analysis hence my question.

    1. Y-DNA follows the direct paternal line and the mtDNA follows the direct maternal line. Is she is one of your direct maternal ancestors then your mtDNA is the same as hers.

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