by Moises Garza

December 19, 2017

1795 Death Record of Jose Gaspar Garcia in Mier Tamaulipas Mexico
Last Names of Nuevo Leon

This is the April 20, 1795 Death Record of Jose Gaspar Garcia in Mier, Tamaulipas, Mexico. He is my 7th Great Grandfather.

This record indicates that he was a widow from his second marriage to Maria Guadalupe Flores. I am a descendant of his from his first marriage to Maria Gertrudis Barrera whom died in Mier on August 18, 1776.

I have yet to find the parents of both Jose Gaspar Garcia and Maria Gertrudis Barrera. Also this record indicates that he made a will. If anyone out there has it or knows the names of the parents please let me know.

First part of above document:

Transcription of Death Record of Jose Gaspar Garcia


Dn. Gaspar Garcia Viudo espl. [?] ca

En esta pArroquia de la Villa de Mier en venite de Abril noventa y cinco, como cura de ella di Ecca. sepultura con entierro maior en la Capilla del Snr. de Injuriar al cuerpo de su PAtron Dn. Gaspar Garcia adulto, Viudo en Segunds. nupcias de Da. Maira Guadalupe Flores, Espl y vecino de esta Villa; hiso Testamento extrajudicial, y en una clausula de le Manda se paguen las mandas forsosas a dos Rs. cada una; Manda tamvien qe. de todos los vienes qe. en el espresa dejar, se saquen trecinetas ps. y se pongan finca, y de [?] [?] se compre Aseite para la lampara de esta Parroquia, y se saque ygualmte. el costo qe. tubiere la conclucion de la dha. Capilla del Ser. Ynjurias hasta verificar su respectivo y regular adorno: En otra clausula deja el senso de dies misas resadas anuales a favor de su Alma, y estas enla casa de su morada qe setraia en la Plaza de esta villa; y havindose Advirserado con todos los Stos. Sacramtos. murio con una muy Christiana Dispociicon alos sesenta y cinco as. de su edad, con la enfermedad tos y mal de orina, y para qe. conste lo firme ut. Supra.

Fr. Franco. Davalos Palomares

View Original at FamilySearch

If  Jose Gaspar Garcia is also one of your ancestors please let me know how you are related to him in the comments of this blog post.


  • Crispin D Rendon, Crispin D. Rendon - Ancestor Book for Moises Garza (3430 Bahia Place, Riverside, CA 92507, Crispin D Rendon, February 9, 2014), Personal Archives of Moises Garza, Pg. 94.

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About the author 

Moises Garza

I have doing my family genealogy since 1998. I am also the creator of this blog We Are Cousins, and the Mexican Genealogy blog. To always be up to date with both of these sites follow me on Facebook. To contact me or book me for a presentation, buy my books, and or learn more about me visit my personal website at

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  1. He is my 4th/5th great grandfather from three of my great grandparents lines. Married to Maria Gertrudis Barrera with all. Great grandparents to Eusebio Garcia, Virginia Vidaurri Salinas (my grandfathers parents) and grand parent to Emeteria Garcia (my grandmothers mother). If I am counting correctly.

  2. Moises, my line from José Gaspar García & Ma. Gertrudis de la Barrera:
    María Petra García Barrera + José Antonio de la Peña y López-de-Jaén,
    José Dionicio de la Peña García + María Leonarda Ramírez [do not have her mother]
    María Faustina Peña Ramírez (2nd wife of) + José Francisco Roman Peña Hinojosa
    María del Pilar de Jesús Peña Peña + José Manuel Gutiérrez Alanis
    María Gutiérrez Peña + Amado de la Garza Palacios
    Alicia de la Garza Gutiérrez + Maxímo Pérez García
    Lucinda María Pérez de la Garza + Serapio Lealdo Sendejo
    Xavier Rodolfo Sendejo [me] + Marianne DeCraene Boerjan
    You can post this on your tree, if you want.

  3. I saw in an article that JOSE GASPAR GARCIA who married Maria Gertrudis Garcia was the son of DIEGO JOSEPH GARCIA GARZA and MARIA GARCIA GARZA (born VELA). Diego was born on November 5, 1710 in Mier.

    I have not been able to confirm. Don Gaspar Garcia was my great (5) grandfather through his son Tomas, Andres, Jesus, Gaspar, Ernesto (my grandfather) and Gilberto Sr. (my father). Jesus, Gaspar and Ernesto buried at the Barranco Blanco Garcia Cemetery near Benavides, Texas (Duval).

  4. Hay una licencia de pasajeros a Indias de un Gaspar García que venía como criado en el año de la 1735, en ese entonces tenía 16 años y natural de Laredo, Cantabria, el mismo lugar que donde nació Escandon, puede ser que ese chico de 16 haya sido nuestro Gaspar García.

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