by Moises Garza

May 5, 2016

Last Names of Nuevo Leon

Juan Robles is my 10th great grandmother and Crispin Rendon has published an mtDAN report on her and her female descendants.

Make sure to get your own copy using the links below since you never know how long this report will be on the internet.

Crispin Mentions that Juana Robles is his 9th great grandmother and what I thought was great is that he thinks that if you have roots in Nuevo Leon there is a 50% chance that she is also one of your ancestors.

Download Report

Part of the Report:

“Juana Robles is my 9th great grandmother. We have 68,852 of her descendants in our kindred group database. Based on that figure I think if you have roots in the Mexican States of Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, and Tamaulipas than you have a 50% chance that she is also your ancestor. This report is limited to the first 12 generations based on the mtDNA rules of inheritance. Juana Robles was married to Juan Rocha. Juan was born in Spain. We know that from his will.

Testamento de Juan de Rocha sobre su estado civil Lugar: MONTERREY Fecha: 06/Oct/1647 Fojas: 3 Coleccion: PROTOCOLOS Volumen: 2, Expediente: 1, Folio: 124 NO. 69, Notas: Descripcion: Testamento de Juan de Rocha, Escribano de Su Majestad, hijo legitimo de Rodrigo Lopez de Rocha y Mariana de Avila, vecinos de la villa de Madrid, “de donde es natural”. Declara ser casado con Juana de Robles, y haber procreado a doña Lucia de Rocha. Albacea don Juan de Zavala, Teniente de Gobernador y Capitan General. Ante Pedro Romero, Alcalde Ordinario y Juan de Abrego, Secretario de Gobernacion, Justicia y Guerra. Testigos Juan de Munguia, Simon de Bohorques, Rodrigo de Castilla y Nicolas Ramos.

Thanks to multiple mtDNA test samples and associated family trees we also know that Juana Robles had Native American YDNA. Here are the test results.

Haplogroup – A2ae

HVR1 DIFFERENCES FROM RSRS C16111T A16129G T16187C C16189T G16230A T16278C C16290T C16311T G16319A T16362C

HVR2 DIFFERENCES FROM RSRS C64T A153G C195T A235G A247G 309.1C 315.1C C437T A487G

CODING REGION DIFFERENCES FROM RSRS A663G A769G A825t A1018G A1736G A2758G C2885T A3565G T3594C G4104A T4248C T4312C A4824G G7146A T7256C A7307G A7521G G8027A T8468C T8655C G8701A C8794T C9540T G10398A T10664C A10688G C10810T C10873T C10915T A11914G G12007A G13276A T13506C T13650C

Missing Mutations G13105A Extra Mutations 309.1C 315.1C C437T A7307G”

The above was all written by Crispin Rendon and boy I was excited when I read the part of my ancestor’s husband. I had no idea that he had made a will.

Also what excited me was that Juana’s Robles mtDNA is native American.

As I mentioned earlier in this blog post, make sure to get your copy of this report. Also if you have 10 generations or more on your paternal or maternal side and is fully documented please contact Crispin or me. This report has been added to the We Are Cousins Project DNA Page.

The 7th We Are Cousins Virtual Genealogy Conference Took Place September 11-13, 2024

About the author 

Moises Garza

I have doing my family genealogy since 1998. I am also the creator of this blog We Are Cousins, and the Mexican Genealogy blog. To always be up to date with both of these sites follow me on Facebook or visit visit my personal website at If you are lookign to hire a professional geenalogist please visit my Services page.

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