The purpose of the We Are Cousins DNA Project
Our purspose is to identify the YDNA of the progenitors of the many Hispanic surnames of Nuevo Leon, Coahuila, Tamaulipas and South Texas. This project will also focus on identifying the mtDNA of their wives.
Goals of Our Project
1. Group everyone who has tested with FamilyTreeDNA and who also, have deep ancestral roots in Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, Coahuila, and Texas.
2. Identify participants who have tested their Y-DNA and sub-group them by paternal surname based on their genealogical (family tree) information.
3. Identify participants who have tested their mtDNA and sub-group them by Haplogroup based on their genealogical (family tree) information.
4. Generate reports and or publish articles with DNA findings and genealogical discoveries.
Main Goal: This research will lay the foundation and ground work that will help us extend other paternal and maternal lines to these early settlers of the region.

Project Manager:
Moises Garza
Note: David Reta and Crispin Rendon are no longer helping in the project. Any information you sent them will not be used in this project. Please resend it to Moises.
Project Results Pages
Quarterly Project Reports
Issue 2 - January 2024

Issue 1 - October 2023

Volunteers Needed
The We Are Cousins Project is nonprofit and we need volunteers. Preferably, members of the We Are Cousins Community who value and think that this project is necessary.
Genealogy Researchers: We need members of our community that are great at genealogy research. We will pair you with a project member to help them extend their paternal and maternal lines as far back as possible with documents.
DNA Researchers: If your DNA research experience is advanced then help us by doing DNA presentations for members of our Project. We can use Zoom to conduct them. Or if you want to, help us analyze Surname groups within our project.
Articles: Feel free to submit articles about your own DNA research and discoveries. We also need articles about the early settlers of Nuevo Leon, Coahuila, Tamaulipas, and South Texas. They don’t have to be DNA related.
Use This Form to Let Us Know You Can Volunteer
Submit Your Paternal and Maternal Lines Here (project members only)
This is the easiests and most efficient way of sending in your maternal and paternal lines or to update your lines. Only send in what you have confirmed with records, we will still verify the lines and try to take them further back.
Paternal Line Example

Enter it like this:
Name of person that tested
Father of person that tested + Wife's Name
Father of father of person that tested + Wife's Name
and so on until last known direct paternal ancestor.
Maternal Line Example

Enter it like this:
Name of person that tested
Mother of person that tested + Husband's Name
Mother of mother of person that tested + Husband's Name
and so on until last known direct maternal ancestor.
Use This Form