I could not locate the 1713 baptism of my 6th great grandmother Maria Petronila Cantu Flores. Eventhough FamilySearch had indexed her record I could not locate it. Last week I made a blog post about it titled “The Search for 1713 Baptism of Maria Petronila Cantu in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico“. I had the date of June 28 1713 but once I go to the images (pg 320) with those dates on FamilySearch it was not there.
I shared this on my blog and on social media. Fortunately for me, Ana Torres happened to find it on page 349. The curious thing is that the dates on those pages overlap the previous set of images. We concluded that they must be two separate books but there is no indication of such. The entries do have the signatures of two separate priests. It si kind of odd but it just goes to show us that this particular issue does come up.
Here is the cut out of the record:
Transcription of Image:
[?]ria [?] om espanola.
En Veinte y ocho dias del mes de Junio de Septesientos y treze anos bape. Y Puze los Stos Oleos A Maria Petronila. De quinze dias nacida hija lega. de Juan Cantu y Maria Flores fueron Pos. Juan de Las Casas Y Luiza Martinez A quienes adbert. Su obligazon. Y parentesco y para que conste lo firme.
Btte. Cantu del
Pablo de la Zerda
- FamilySearch
Here are some transcription suggestions: 1) “En Veinte y ocho dias” 2) Juan de las Cazas 3) Luiza Martines ALSO: Maria Petronila << one "i"
Just fixed it. Thanks buddy.