by Moises Garza

July 11, 2014

Last Names of Nuevo Leon

The following are four books by Israel Cavazos Garza and one by his wife Lilia E. Villanueva de Cavazos that you can preorder today. These books are indispensable for genealogical research of your Nuevo Leon Ancestors.


Capitulacion de Felipe II con luis de Carvajal Sobre el descubrimiento y poblacion del Nuevo Reino de Leon

Author: Israel Cavazos Garza







Catalago y Sintesis de los Protocolos del Archivo Municipal de Monterrey 1726 – 1756

Author: Israel Cavazos Garza

Contains extracts of civil, criminal, and land sale documents covering the time period of 1726 to 1756.






Catalago y Sintesis de los Protocolos del Archivo Municipal de Monterrey 1756 – 1785

Author: Israel Cavazos Garza

Contains extracts of civil, criminal, and land sale documents covering the time period of 1756 to 1785.






Catalago y Sintesis de los Protocolos del Archivo Municipal de Monterrey 1786 – 1795

Author: Israel Cavazos Garza

Contains extracts of civil, criminal, and land sale documents covering the time period of 1786 to 1795.






Familias de Nuevo Leon Su limpieza de Sangre

Author: Lilia E. Villanueva de Cavazos

Excellent book about the Jewish roots of families of Nuevo Leon.




The 7th We Are Cousins Virtual Genealogy Conference Will Take Place September 11-13, 2024

About the author 

Moises Garza

I have doing my family genealogy since 1998. I am also the creator of this blog We Are Cousins, and the Mexican Genealogy blog. To always be up to date with both of these sites follow me on Facebook. To contact me or book me for a presentation, buy my books, and or learn more about me visit my personal website at

Books to Help You Grow Your Family Tree


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  1. I am researching my family roots. I am a Garza & discovered that they ended somewhere around Monterrey. I see your last name is Garza as well and what books have benefited you during your research? I am tempted to buy the book : Familias de Nuevo Leon Su limpieza de Sangre, Author: Lilia E. Villanueva de Cavazos but was wondering if any of the Garza family are even mentioned in this book.

    1. Hi Sylvia, I have used many books to research my family. I have found my ancestors mentioned in over one hundred books and still counting. The Garza’s are actually mentioned in this book but if they are your particular family I do not know. The good thing is that all Garza’s in Mexico are related and thus the information in this book shed’s light into their religious past. The Catalogo and Syntesis books by Israel Garza are excellence and they mention many Garza’s also an awesome book that I love and highly recommend that you download is SAGRADA MITRA DE GUADALAJARA ANTIGUO OBISPADO DE LA NUEVA GALICIA.


      Moises Garza

  2. Thank you so much! I …any other books that you can recommend about the Garzas would greatly appreciate.

  3. How does one pre-order? I am very interested in all five books above, and would like to know how to purchase.
    Thank you,

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