by Moises Garza

November 30, 2013

Last Names of Nuevo Leon

I recently came across two photos posted by Isidro Antonio Gonzalez on the Facebook page of Laredo Genealogical and thought that it would be great if I could share them with you. I sent a message for permission to post them on We Are Cousins and Mr. Gonzalez was so kind to grant my request. Besides really liking the photos, another thing caught my attention and that is that it mentions a very familiar name as the founder of Revilla, Vicente Guerra Canamar. Also, previously while conducting research on one of my ancestors Miguel Martinez I also came across that he was the founder of Revilla. Ok, by now I was confused and I had to do a little digging to find out who is really the founder of Revilla, but before I do that here are the two photos and bellow them a transcript of the image and translation.

Photos of Revilla/Guerrero Marking:

Both photos are courtesy of Isidro Antonio Gonzalez.

Los Caminos del Rio (The Roads of the River) is the Spanish designation for a heritage corridor located along the Lower Rio Grande and Mexico. This corridor harbors a rich natural and cultural legacy.

Transcript of Plaque seen on Above Pictures:

Gobierno Municipal De Guerrero Los Caminos del Rio


Este camino conduce al lugar donde florecio una bella ciudad tamaulipeca: GUERREO, hoy conocido como “GUERRERO VIEJO”.

Fue fundada en la epoca colonial con el nombre de “REVILLA” el 10 de octubre de 1750 por don Vicente Guerra y 63 familias procedentes de Nuevo Leon, teniendo la autorizacion del colonizador don Jose de Escandon.

Fue cuna de valientes e ilustres personajes entre quienes destaca el coronel JOSE BERNARDO GUTIERREZ DE LARA, notable insurgente que en defensa de su causa fue el primer Embajador de Mexico ante el gobierno de los Estados Unidos de Norteamerica y mas tarded fue el primer Gobernador del Estado de Tamaulipas.

En el Mexico independiente y por decreto del 12 de Noviembre de 1827, REVILLA cambio su nombre por el del heroe suriano VICENTE GUERRERO, y conserva asi hasta la fecha.

A partir del 29 de octubre de 1953 GUERRERO fue invadida por las aguas de la Presa Internacional “FALCON” y sus habitantes fueron trasladados a la Nueva Ciudad contruida por el Gobierno Federal con este fin.

Son testimonio de us historia las piedras de sus ruinas, las reliquias trasladadas a la Nueva Ciudad, y los relatos que toman vida en la voz de guerrerenses que alientan su recuredo.

Diciembre 2007


Municipal Government of Guerrero The Roads of the River


This road leads to the place where a beautiful Tamaulipas city flourished: GUERRERO, now known as ” OLD GUERRERO” .

It was founded in colonial times by the name of ” REVILLA ” on October 10, 1750 by Don Vicente Guerra and 63 families from Nuevo Leon , having the authorization of the colonizer Don Jose de Escandon .

It was the cradle of brave and famous people among whom stands Colonel JOSE BERNARDO GUTIERREZ DE LARA, remarkable rebel in defense of his cause was the first Ambassador of Mexico to the government of the United States of North America and more later was the first Governor of the State Tamaulipas .

In independent Mexico and by decree of November 12, 1827 , REVILLA changed its name to that of the southern hero VICENTE GUERRERO, and retains it so far.

As of October 29, 1953 GUERRERO was invaded by the waters of teh International dam ” FALCON ” and its inhabitants were moved to the New Town made ​​by the Federal Government for this purpose.

The stone ruins are testimony to its history, relics transferred to the New Town, and the stories that come to life in Guerrerenses’s voice encouraging her memory.

December 2007

The Founder/s of Revilla:

As per the book Inherit the Dust from the Four Winds of Revilla, its Author Jose M. Pena explains that  while Jose de Escandon was in Reynosa on June 15, 1750 Miguel Martinez and Tomas Cuellar provided him with a list of fourteen families that were on their way to El Salado and Rio Grande River on a location that later became known as El Paso de Los Moros (Pg. 62).

Pena also mentions that while Jose de Escandon was in Santa Maria de Llera just a little south of present day Ciudad Vcitoria On October 10, 1750 Vicente Guerra Canamar provided him with the semifinal list of twenty six families that where to get to El Paso del Moro under his leadership. He was also to become the first Captain and be credited for stablishing the Villa del Senor San Ignacio de Loyola de Revilla in a lcoation close to El Paso de los Moros (Pena, Pg. 62).

Vicente Guerra Canamar was my 9th great granduncle the son of my 10th great grandfather Antonio Guerra Canamal and his Second wife Catalina de Vela.

Miguel Martinez id my 8th great grandfather and he is the son of Jose Ygnacio Martinez and Ynes de la Garza.

As seen Vicente is the official founder of Revilla but credit should also be given to Miguel and Tomas for paving the way with the original fourteen families.


  • Photos courtesy of Isidro Antonio Gonzalez, published 11-22-2013 on Facebook Group page of Laredo Genealogical.
  • Guerra, Jose M. (2006) Inherit the Dust From the the Four Winds of Revilla A 250-Year Historical Pwerspective with Emphasis on Ancient Guerrero its People and It’s Land Grants Self Published Xlibris Corporation (Pg. 62)

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About the author 

Moises Garza

I have doing my family genealogy since 1998. I am also the creator of this blog We Are Cousins, and the Mexican Genealogy blog. To always be up to date with both of these sites follow me on Facebook. To contact me or book me for a presentation, buy my books, and or learn more about me visit my personal website at

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  1. Looking for information about Domingo Gonzalez (Maria Jacinta de Hinojosa), Jose Dimas Gonzalez (Maria Juliana Gutierrez de Lara), Jose Justo Gonzalez (Maria Luisa Gutierrez de Lara) and Martin Gonzalez (Antonia Hinojosa) These are the names in my father’s mother’s line She was the daughter of Dr. Martin Gonzalez and Antonia Hinojosai. Any information or direction is greatly appreciated, I have not had any luck in finding information on those names. Thank you!

    1. The Parents of Domingo are Jose Florencio Gonzalez and Maria Rita Rosa Saldivar. The parents of Mria Jacinta are Jose Pedro Regalado Hinojosa and Maria Catarian de Pena.

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