Once again thanks to Diego Renteria for providing me with a copy of my 10th great grandfathers baptism record. You will find that image just bellow.
Here are Diegos’ comments:
Diego Gonzales birth in Tepetitlán son of Capitan Bartolome Gonzales and Isabel Gomez Dominguez. I thought I’d share.
Cut out of Original Image:
[pe2-image src=”http://lh4.ggpht.com/-VBcg6ldBqYA/UdltbsAYuvI/AAAAAAAAEJA/osMPAeUDwBk/s144-c-o/Diego%252520Gonzalez%252520-%252520Baptism%252520Tepetitlan%2525201634.jpg” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/100156569539144595553/BlogImages#5897865509455051506″ caption=”Diego Gonzalez – Baptism Tepetitlan 1634.jpg” type=”image” alt=”Diego Gonzalez – Baptism Tepetitlan 1634.jpg” ]
Transcription of above image:
Baptize an esta yglesia en siete de agosto del ano de 1634. Diego hijo de Bartolome Gonzales y de Ysabel Gomes Fueron supadrinos Gabriel Hernandez De la Espada baptizole el [?] Andres De Betancour
Andres de Betancour
You can see original post on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=278260245651985&set=o.229631877052332&type=1&theater