While doing some research I came across the following news paper article about a young girl named Anita Flores and how she was murdered in front of her family. The story was posted at the Brownsville Daily Herald (Brownsville, Tex.), Vol. 12, No. 248, Ed. 1, Thursday, April 21, 1904. Two names that are not common and stood out from the article were Zenobio Flores and his son Cresencio Flores. I searched for the names on my database and I found them. Anita was my wife’s grandfather’s first cousin since her mother Clemencia Salinas was the sister of his father Pedro Salinas.
Transcription of Image:
About four leagues from La Grulla is the rancho of Los Guaraches, belonging to Zenobio Flores. In this rancho is the house of Cresencio Flores. Don Cesencio had, in his family, a very pretty daughter, of some sixteen years, named Anita. A man, if he can be so called, by name Eutiquio Rivas, visited the family often. On the morning of March 24 Eutiquio came to the house. D. Cresencio was away, but the mother, the girl, and the rest of the family were present. Eutiquio asked the girl if she would marry him.She said no, that she did not like him enough. Thereupon Eutiquio seized D. Cresencio’s Winchester and shot her twice. The first bullet entered her head, near the nose and came out, with some of the brains behind. Yet the girl had strength enough to run away! Thereupon Eutiquio fired the second shot. This entered the right side, breaking a rib and came out on the left side with force enough to break her left arm.
All this was done in the presence of the mother, and the family! the assasin escaped to Mexico, but i heard that he has been captured on that side, and is being held, pending extradition. Hanging is too good for him.
El Soltero.
San Isidro, Texas, April 15.
I did a search for Rancho Los Guaraches but instead found a very close match named El Guarache Ranch located near Sullivan City Texas that was founded in 1909. I have no proof that it is that same ranch but it is very likely since it is about four leagues (about 10 miles) from La Grulla Texas. Also, I have yet to find any other information about this story but if I find anything I’ll let you all know.
Wheeler, Jesse O., editor. Brownsville Daily Herald (Brownsville, Tex.), Vol. 12, No. 248, Ed. 1, Thursday, April 21, 1904, Newspaper, April 21, 1904; digital images, (http://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth146543 : accessed November 25, 2011), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, http://texashistory.unt.edu; crediting UNT Libraries, Denton, Texas.
My Great Grandfather Cenobio Flores owned El Huarache. From what I remember from by grandfather Nicasio Flores, son of Cenobio, the late Anita was daughter to his half-brother, Crecencio Flores. My grandfather Nicasio Flores Saenz lived there in the 1912-1914. we moved back there with him and my grandmother in 1958…1963.