by Moises Garza

May 29, 2018

1752 Marriage of Jose Juan Antonio Cavazos and Maria Leonor de Treviño
Last Names of Nuevo Leon

This is the October 11, 1752 Marriage of Jose Antonio Cavazos and Maria Leonor de Treviño in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Jose Antonio and Leonor are my 6th great-grandparents.

This record indicates that the parents of Jose Antonio are Joachin Cavazos and Ana Catarina de Montemayor. Ana Catarina is listed "difunta" meaning that she had already died before the wedding. This clue helps me narrow down the death records that I will be searching.

The parents of Maria Leonor are listed as Juan Francisco Trevino and Maria Luisa de Gongora.

Transcription of The Marriage of Jose Antonio Cavazos and Maria Leonor de Treviño

En onze de Octu.e deset. sinqta y dos años Case y Vele infatze ecte. con
Licentia erus Aprrochia, a Dn. Juan Ant. Cavasos orijino. y vesino del V[?]
de Guaxco. hijo Lexmo. de Dn. Joachin Cavasos, y de Da. Ana Cata. Monte
mayor difunta; y a Maria leonor de Treviño; orijina. y vesina de [?]
telija hija Lexma. de Juan Fraco. Treviño y de Ma. Luisa de Gongora
espan se amonestaron enlos dias festivos dcho, dies, y dies y
siete del proximo pasado mes de Sepe. y no resulto canonico impe
dinto. fueron testigs. Dn. Anto. Gusman, y Joseph Anto. Rodriguez
Vesinos, desta Ciud. y lo firme = Cata. Monte = en md. = fe =

Br. Agustin de Acosta

If this couple is also one of your ancestors please let me know how you are related to them in the comments of this blog post.

Ancestor Chart for Jose Juan Antonio Cavazos and Maria Leonor de Treviño

Ancestor Chart for Jose Juan Antonio Cavazos and Maria Leonor de Treviño

For More Ancestors and or Descendants

You can find many generations of ancestors for Jose Juan Antonio Cavazos and Maria Leonor de Treviño on the Las Villas del Norte Genealogy Database for South Texas and Northeastern Mexico. There you can also see the 545 descendants I have identified for them. The LVDN database is here:

Other Related Records of Interest

Here is the baptism record of Jose Antonio Cavazos: 1723 Baptism of Jose Antonio Cavazos


The 7th We Are Cousins Virtual Genealogy Conference Will Take Place September 11-13, 2024

About the author 

Moises Garza

I have doing my family genealogy since 1998. I am also the creator of this blog We Are Cousins, and the Mexican Genealogy blog. To always be up to date with both of these sites follow me on Facebook. To contact me or book me for a presentation, buy my books, and or learn more about me visit my personal website at

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  1. Hello,

    Cavazos, Juaquin, Fernandez and Rodriguez, Ana Catarina are my 5th great grandparents on my paternal side. Moises, you and I are listed as being 3rd/4th cousins on It is my understanding that 3rd/4th cousins share the same great grandparents.

    Question: Do you happen to know what happened to the Santiago, NL Church baptism records for years 1843-1848. The file for years 1841-1848 Bautismos is on however, the file only contains 121 records and these are for years 1841-1842. I have written several times asking about these records but to date have not received a response. Maybe you could inquire about them? If possible, thank you in advance.


  2. Jose Antonio Cavazos and Maria Leonor Trevino had a granddaughter, Maria Guadalupe Cavazos, who married my 3x grandfather, Jose Antonio Cresencio Rodriguez, on 15 April 1800 in Santiago, Nuevo León.

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