by Moises Garza

November 15, 2016

Last Names of Nuevo Leon

Lately I have been asked this question too many times so I decided to make a blog post detailing exactly who can join the We Are Cousins DNA Project.

To start off, the project is being hosted by Family Tree DNA (FTDNA) so only people that have tested with Family Tree DNA can join off the bat. If you have not tested with them keep on reading.

If you took their Family Finder (autosomal) test you can join the project and get access to a small discount on Y-DNA tests and mtDNA tests (these are the tests that we need). The Family Finder test does not contribute any data to the project but you can still join so that you can get our bulk emails with project updates.

Ideally what we need are people that have already tested their Y-DNA and mtDNA to join the project. The We Are Cousins DNA project focuses on Y-DNA and mtDNA. If you are confused on what these abbreviations mean please go to to get a basic understanding of DNA testing for genealogy.

If you have not tested with FTDNA

If you tested with 23andme and or AncestryDNA there are several ways to join the project.

1. Transfer your RAW data to FTDN for $39.00. Here is an article on how to do that: just rememebr that these tests are autosomal and are equivalent to FTDNA’s Family Finder Test.

2. You can buy a Family Finder, Y-DNA, or mtDNA kit from FTDNA and once you get your results you can join the project. Remember the ones that contribute data to the project are the Y-DNA and mtDNA tests. You can order your kits here: Order Kits

If You Can’t Afford to Buy A DNA Kit

I don’t want to leave anyone out. The only way you can join the project without testing is by emailing me stating that you wish to join the project but can’t afford a test at the moment. I will place you on a mailing list so that you can receive the same emails that members receive. Also please work on your family trees and send them in to me.

On phase three of the project, if your maternal or paternal line is of interest we may be able to buy a kit for you. Let me be clear, we are not at that level yet but it is something that is on the works. Some members have already contributed money to this fund.

If you are already a Member

If you have already joined the project and have tested your YDNA and mtDNA send me your family lines since we are already on phase two which is generating reports.

We Need More Volunteers

Volunteers will only be assigned to do genealogy work in order to provide reports that are solid and fully documented, so future researchers don’t redo our work but build on top of our work. You don’t have to worry about knowing or not knowing about DNA. If you know how to locate records, we need your help. Send me an email if interested in volunteering.

You can visit our main project page at


The 7th We Are Cousins Virtual Genealogy Conference Will Take Place September 11-13, 2024

About the author 

Moises Garza

I have doing my family genealogy since 1998. I am also the creator of this blog We Are Cousins, and the Mexican Genealogy blog. To always be up to date with both of these sites follow me on Facebook. To contact me or book me for a presentation, buy my books, and or learn more about me visit my personal website at

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  1. Great post..this clears up all my questions. I wanted to join but I can’t afford to test my father and myself and my fathers testing is more important as he is old and in his 90’s and i would like to test him before he passes. But thank you for all the great info as i am new to all this Geneaology DNA testing stuff. My son is the one that thought it would be interesting to do and that is why we did the 23andme test. Will have to read up on all the DNA testing information to get a better understanding of it all. Wish i lived closer so i could attend your society meetings but i am considering joining as if i read correctly you are doing digital information on your meetings. Great work thought…very helpful..

    FYI i just tried uploading my 23andme raw data to FTDNA and I got the following message: We only accept autosomal raw data files from Ancestry DNA & 23andMe V3 (sold from about Jan 2011 to Oct 2013). So i can’t even transfer my data because they don’t take it. Oh well it was worth a try.

    1. FTDNA is having a sale right now. You can order their Family Finder test for $59 (plus $12.95 shipping). As for your 23&me data, you can still upload to for free.

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