I recently updated my author page on Amazon.com and found several features that I really liked. As you know I am a self published author, I don’t have a publisher advertising or promoting my books. I have to do everything myself and that is ok. I am just thankful that I get the opportunity to publish my books. A few years ago I was about to shut down We Are Cousins and my other blog Mexican Genealogy. I had been blogging for two years and it was getting expensive, I started blogging because I loved it and wanted to give back by sharing about my family and blogging on how to do Mexican Genealogy.
At one point, I had to renew the website hosting and domain names and my wife pulled the plug. She told me that my hobby was costing too much money and that we could no longer afford it. Being as wonderful as she is she gave me another year but warned me that I had to get a part time job to pay for my hobby. During that year I discovered how to publish eBooks and later on how to self publish paperback books, also how to put them on Amazon. As little book sales started to come in my expenses started to get covered.
That taught me a lesson, that in order to be able to provide free content I have to sell books. Now I am glad to tell you that thanks to your wonderful support I didn’t have to get a part time job and all expenses for all my websites are covered with the sale of books. Sorry for getting side tracked but I just wanted to share with you.
Now here is the cool part, Amazon sent me an email for me to update my Author page. I was like, what author page? I clicked on the link and it sent me to this page http://amzn.to/1L7YyPU After a few minutes I had updated it to include every single book that I have authored, edited, or helped put together.
This image is part of the Author Page
Click Image to Visit My Author Page
What are Author Pages
Amazon lets it’s authors create a main page where they can list all the books that they have for sale. Add information about future speaking engagements and also add a small biography. They even let them list their blogs and the author page pulls in a small synopsis of each blog post.
You can visit my author page here http://amzn.to/1L7YyPU
How to Use Author Pages
When ever you find a book you like on Amazon click on the author’s name and it will take you to their Author page. Hopefully they have it updated and it includes all their works there. If it is updated you will find information about the author and ll of their books.
Also be on the look out for a list of authors that are displayed under biography under a heading labeled “Customers Also Bought Items By”. This is an excellent way to find books related to the ones offered by any particular author.
For example under my biography these authors are mentioned:
Armando C. Alonzo
Lyman De Platt
José M. Peña
Eugene George
Marsha Hoffman…
Jovita Gonzále…
George R. Ryskamp
Elena Zamora O…
Prof. Víctor M...
Andrés Tijerina
Robert Himmeri...
John P. Schmal
If you clicked on the above author names you can clearly see that they are all related to genealogy, South Texas, and or North Eastern Mexico.
I Need a Two Huge favors From You
Please go to my author page on Amazon.com http://amzn.to/1L7YyPU and under my picture click on the “Follow” button. If you do this next time I update my author page and or add a speaking engagement you will be notified automatically.
The other favor I need is, if you have bought one of my books in the past please leave a review on Amazon for me, be it a bad or good review. Your honest opinion is what I want. Thanks in advance. Talk to you soon.