by Moises Garza

January 23, 2014

Last Names of Nuevo Leon

In the search for my ancestors, I came across this document that I know for sure will interest family historians, genealogists, and Texas historians. It is the military sketch of Fort San Antonio Del Balero also called El Alamo and to us in present day “The Alamo”. The sketch was probably done on the same or few days after the battle for The Alamo that took place on March 6, 1836. It was drawn by Colonel Jose Juan Sanchez. He also included the actual military operations that took place on that day.

Below you will find the sketch and also the military operations taken by the Mexican military of that time under the command of President of Mexico and General Antonio de Santa Ana. I split the original image into two for better viewing on this blog. I have also included a transcription of the military operations and also included the English translation by Google with no fixes. At the very end of the post you will find the link to the original image in case that you may be interested to download it.

Sketch of, Fort San Antonio Del Balero, The Alamo

 Military Operations by Mexican Military at The Alamo on March 6, 1836

 Transcription of the above document:

Fuerte de San Antonio de Valero, llamado comunmente del Alamo: se abandono por las tropas mexicanas por falta de recursos despues de 55 dias de estrecho sitio, el 13 de diciembre de 1835; se tomo por asalto, por las mismas el dia 6 de marzo de 1836, y lo destruyeron el dia 22 de mayo del propio ano.

A. Plaza de Armas
B. Puerta principal; la tomo el dia del asalto el coronel Juan Morales, acompanado del de igual clase Jose Minon, con su batallon Activo de San Luis.
C. Iglesia arruinada, con cemeterio; sobre una explanada que se formo en el presbiterio de la misma, se coloco una bateria alta de tres canones, llamandola Fortin Cos.
D. Esta era la parte mas flaca del Fuerte, pues solo estaba defendida por una corta estacada y una mala tala; por este punto intentaron, en vano escaparse, cuando se vieron perdidos, unos cuantos colonos.
E. Cuartel alto con su corredor y corral: por su construccion y por estar unido a la iglesia, formaba el caballero alto.
F. Barracas para la tropa. Por alli asalto y entro con batallones “Jimenez” y “Matamoros”, el coronel Jose Maria Romero.
G. Bateria de dos canones. Por alli asalto el coronel Duque, y por haber sido herido, continuo el asalto el general Castrillon y entro al Fuerte con los batallones de Toluca y de Zapadores. en la explanada de dicha bateria murio como soldado el Jefe de los Colones, Travis.
H. Por este punto intento el asalto el general Martin Perfecto Cos, con una columna compuesta de Cazadores y Fusileros de Aldamas u del Activo de San Luis, pero habiendo perdido mucha gente, efectuo un movimiento oblicuo hacia la derecha y entro en la plaza.
Y. Habitaciones provistas de aspilleras.
J. Trincheras circulares con foso y estacada.
K. Foso que defendia la puerta principal.
L. Hospital. Aqui murio Santiago Bowie.
M. Cocinas
N. Espaldon
O. Pozo para provisionarse de agua.
P. Fosos interiores y banquetas.
Q. Sitio en que se quemaron 250 (sic) cadaveres de colonos.
R. Bateria rasante, construida en la noche del 4 y madrugada del 5 de marzo. En ella se situo la columna de reserva compuesta del batallon de Zapadores y de la compania de granaderos de los otros batallones, a las ordenes del general Santa Ana.
S. Posicion inicial de la primera columna de general Cos y direccion de su marcha para el asalto.
T. Rio de San Antonio
V. Bateria establecida en Bejar desde el 1o de marzo.
X. Puente de madera.
Z. Vado de rodada y herradura.
a. Isla que facilitaba el paso del rio por medio de dos maderos.
b. Tres canones de hierro desmontados, que se encontraron en en interior de El Alamo.

Google Translation of above transcription:

Fort San Antonio de Valero, commonly called the Alamo : was abandoned by Mexican troops for lack of funds after 55 days of narrow site, the December 13, 1835 , he took by assault , on the same day March 6 1836, and destroyed the day May 22 of the year itself.

A. Plaza de Armas
B. Front door , the day of the assault took Colonel Juan Morales , accompanied the same class Jose Minon , with his battalion of San Luis Active .
C. Ruined church with cemetery , on an esplanade that formed in the chancel of the same , high drums are placed three canons , calling Cos Fortin .
D. This was the most thin part of the Fort, as it was only defended by a stockade and a bad cut logging , by this point tried in vain to escape, when they were lost , a few settlers.
E. High Barracks with your broker and poultry : its construction and be attached to the church , was the tall gentleman .
F. Barracks for the troops. Over there and entered with assault battalions ” Jimenez ” and ” Matamoros ” , Colonel Jose Maria Romero.
G. Battery two canons . By alli assault Colonel Duque, and being wounded , continued the assault General Castrillon and entered the fort with Toluca battalions and sappers . on the esplanade of the battery died as a soldier the Chief Colones , Travis.
H. By this point the attempted assault General Martin Perfecto Cos, with a column composed of Hunters and Rifle Active Aldamas or St. Louis , but having lost many people, efectuo an oblique movement to the right and entered the plaza.
Y. Rooms equipped with loopholes.
J. Circular trenches with moat and stockade .
K. Moat which guarded the front door.
L. Hospital . Here James Bowie died .
M. kitchens
N. shoulder
O. Well provisioned for water .
P. Interior ditches and sidewalks .
Q. Website that burned 250 (sic ) corpses of settlers .
R. Flush Battery , built in the early morning hours of 4 and 5 March . In her column composite reserve battalion of sappers and the grenadier company of the other battalions stood , under the command of General Santa Ana
S. Starting position of the first column of General Cos and direction of their march to the assault .
T. Rio San Antonio
V. Battery Bejar established since March 1 .
X. Wooden bridge .
Z. Vado -ro horseshoe.
a. Isla facilitating the passage of the river by two cops .
b . Three disassembled iron cannons , which were found in the interior of the Alamo.

It is interesting to note that the Mexican military referred to the Texans as “colonos” (colonists) and in reality they were indeed colonists. In another document that I found they are referred as “los colonos rebeldes” (the rebel colonists).


The 7th We Are Cousins Virtual Genealogy Conference Took Place September 11-13, 2024

About the author 

Moises Garza

I have doing my family genealogy since 1998. I am also the creator of this blog We Are Cousins, and the Mexican Genealogy blog. To always be up to date with both of these sites follow me on Facebook or visit visit my personal website at If you are lookign to hire a professional geenalogist please visit my Services page.

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  1. The name Balero surname is not common neither in Mexico, nor in Spain or latin america.
    The registered Valero surname is well distributed in the American continent and Spain. Please check the book The Valero Family of Jerusalem to verify this.

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