I Just wanted to let you know about this great book that I came across. It is titled "Historia de Nuevo Leon Con Noticias Sobre Coahuila, Tejas, y Nuevo Mexico" it contains three books one by Capitan Alonso de Leon, an Unknown Author that Cavazos identified as being Juan Bautista Chapa (my ancestor), and El General Fernando Sanchez de Zamora. This particular ebook was compiled by Genaro Garcia in 1909 as Tomo XXV in the series of Documentos Ineditos O Muy Raros Para La Historia de Mexico.
Historia de Nuevo Leon Con Noticias Sobre Coahuila, Tejas, y Nuevo Mexico

Books contained within the pages of this book:
- Relación y discursos del descubrimiento, población y pacificación de este Nuevo Reino de León - by A. de Leon
- Historia del Nuevo Reino de León, desde 1650 hasta 1690 - by J.B. Chapa
- Descubrimiento del Rio Blanco y conversión de sus naturales - F. Sanchez Zamora
Where to Obtain Your Own Copy
What is great about this book is that it is available as an eBook and thus you can download it and read it meditatively. This is possible due to archive.org. There are several formats available but I think that the PDF one is the best since it is a scan of the original book. Make sure and save it into your Growing South Texas and Northeastern Mexico Genealogy eBooks.
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Historia de Nuevo Leon Con Noticias Sobre Coahuila, Tejas, y Nuevo Mexico
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