by Moises Garza

January 24, 2013

Last Names of Nuevo Leon

The following image is that of the 1732 marriage of my 6th great grandparents Bartholome de Cuellar and Maria Gregoria Martinez. Please note the underlined text, I used the two marriages above theirs to reconstruct the possible text and the name Bartholome we know to be correct due to their dispensation dated January 30, 1732. I’ll be posting it once I get to it. Back to the document. The document bellow indicates that the parents of Bartholome are Asencio de Cuellar and Anna Garcia. It indicates that Asencio was death by the time the marriage took place and that Bartholome was originally from Saltillo, Coahuila. So many new clues! The parents of Gregoria are listed as Miguel Martinez and Clara Trevino. This documented also indicates that they were related by four degrees. luckily I have the dispensation and it indicates exactly how they are related but that is for another post.

Cut out of original image:

Bartholome de Cuellar and Maria Gregoria Martinez, FamilySearch, Monterrey, 1732 Marriages Pg 169 and 170-1-small Bartholome de Cuellar and Maria Gregoria Martinez, FamilySearch, Monterrey, 1732 Marriages Pg 169 and 170-2-small

See Original

Transcription of above image:

Bartholome de Cuellar y Gregoria Martines espanoles

En este dia 25 de julio de setecientos treinta y dos as. case y vele, ynfacie eclesie, de de Licensia sui Parroquia, a Bartholome de Cuellar hijo Legitimo de Asencio de Cuellar Difunto, y de Anna Garcia originarios y vecinos de la Villa del Saltillo con Gregoria Martinez Doncella, orijinaria, y vecina deesta feligrecia hija Legitima de Miguel Martinez y de Clara Trevino Vesinos de ella y todos Espanoles, aviendoseles dispensado el parentesco de 4o. grado Enigualdad de sangre y publicado los En virtud de boleta En los dias, 11, 15. y Maio fueron testigos Onofre Gonzalez, Pedro Martinez, y Juan Garcia, y lo frime.

Fr. Mathias De Aguirre

Source: FamilySearch

The 7th We Are Cousins Virtual Genealogy Conference Took Place September 11-13, 2024

About the author 

Moises Garza

I have doing my family genealogy since 1998. I am also the creator of this blog We Are Cousins, and the Mexican Genealogy blog. To always be up to date with both of these sites follow me on Facebook or visit visit my personal website at If you are lookign to hire a professional geenalogist please visit my Services page.

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