by Moises Garza

August 24, 2012

Last Names of Nuevo Leon
The following is the 1860 Mier Civil Registry Death record for my 3rd great grandfather. This document helped me and other researchers distinguish between two Rafael’s. Turns out that they were first cousins and both used both last names to distinguish each other. Both are listed on the Mier Church census residing in the same town of Arcabuz Tamaulipas. Turns out that the parents of Rafael Garza Sanchez are Jose Rafael de la Garza and Maria Tomasa Sanchez. I have yet to find the parents of his wife Ramona Garcia.

Cut out of original image:

Transcript of above image:

16 En la Villa de Mier a los Ventiocho dias del mes de Setiembre de mil ochocientos secenta anos el Sr Encargado de Justicia del rancho del Arcabuz dice a este Jusgado lo que a la letra copio.,, A las once de la manana del dia veintitres de Junio de mil ochocientos secenta fallecio Don Rafael Garza Sanchez de cuarenta y cinco anos de edad casado con Dona Ramona garcia aquien dejo viuda y fueron testigos de haberlo visto Sepultar el cadaber en la fosa comun del Semeterio del rancho de Santa Teresa de Jesus los Ciudadanos Antonio Garza y Matias Ramires el primero de cuarenta y seis anos de edad, estado casado, Oficio campo y tener parentesco con el finado en segundo grado y el Segundo de treinta anos de edad, estado casado oficio Campo y tener parentesco con el finado en segundo grado de afinidad  Ambos vecinos de este rancho quienes no firmaron la presente acta por no saber = Antonio Pena Garza = Trinidad Pena y Pena.” Y para la debida constancia mande levantar esta Acta que firmo doy fe = Ambrosio Gonzalez.

Resource: FamilySearch

Copyright © Moises Garza. All rights reserved. Article may be reused for any purpose, and it is encouraged, as long as it is non-commercial use and it includes this notice. An effort has been made to use materials that provide credit to author or rights holder. If you find anything that should not be listed in this article contact me at [email protected]


The 7th We Are Cousins Virtual Genealogy Conference Took Place September 11-13, 2024

About the author 

Moises Garza

I have doing my family genealogy since 1998. I am also the creator of this blog We Are Cousins, and the Mexican Genealogy blog. To always be up to date with both of these sites follow me on Facebook or visit visit my personal website at If you are lookign to hire a professional geenalogist please visit my Services page.

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