I strongly recommend that you sign up and start posting requests, photos, stories, and ask for help about your own Genealogy brickwalls. You never know someone out there may have what you need or you may have what they need. You may ask yourself, Why a forum? I think a forum is a great way to create an online community interested in South Texas and Northeastern Genealogy.
A community that can help each other do research and also a place where new people, to genealogy, can get tips and advised from more experiensed researchers. If you are interested in becoming an administrator let me know. I will be on the forum at nights and on weekends to help anyone, these are the times that I have time to do it. See you there.
I hope that you all find it useful.
Copyright © Moises Garza. All rights reserved. Article may be reused for any purpose, and it is encouraged, as long as it is non-commercial use and it includes this notice. An effort has been made to use materials that provide credit to author or rights holder. If you find anything that should not be listed in this article contact me at [email protected]