by Moises Garza

December 28, 2011

Last Names of Nuevo Leon

This is the 1927 Civil Registration of Ygnacio Marroquin Gonzalez and for those that knew and loved him El Tio Nacho. Ygnacio was my grandmother’s, Dominga Marroquin, brother. As a young child I remember always going with my father to visit his uncle Tio Nacho at his ranch. He would always come out and greet us with a smile in his face and then chairs would be brought out and always coffee would be served. Then his wife would always prepare something to eat, no matter at what time of the day we might have dropped by, and boy you could not say no to their food since this would mean a lack of respect. As a kid I also remember helping him turn the spiga (grass looking thing to make brooms) a whole acre worth. Years latter maybe due to old age he moved into town (El Arcabuz, Tamauliaps, Mexico). We visited him several times with the last being about two years ago. He died this year on July 6, 2011 but due to the heavy violence that is plaguing Mexico was unable to attend. I am very glad that I was able to find this document.

Cut out of Original Image:

Transcription of above image:

Acta No # 39
Ygnacio Marroquin
nacio el 31 de Agosto 1927

En Arcbauz, Tamaulipas. a horas que son las nueve del dia 5 cinco del mes de Septiembre de 1927 mil novecientos veintisiete, ante me Matias Reyna, Jues del Registro Civil de esta municipalidad, comparecio el Senor Pedro Marroquin quien manifesto ser vecino de este lugar, casado labrador, de 42 cuarenta y dos anos de edad y quien presento a este jusgado a un nino vivo manifestando que es su sexto hijo legitimo y que lo tubo con su esposa la Senora Amalia Gonzalez de 32 treinta y dos anos de edad. Que son abuelos paternos del nino el Sr. Jose Angel Marroquin, ya finado y la Senora Francisca Perez Vda. de Marroquin y abuelos maternos el Senor Andres Gonzalez y la Senora Nicolasa Guerra, vecinos de Cd. (ciudad) Mier; que el expresado nino nacio a las 2 horas del dia 31 treinta y uno de Agosto de 1927 mil novecientos veintisiete y que le impone por nombre: Ygnacio Marroquin. Leida la presente acta al interesado, manifesto su conformidad la ratifico y firmo; siendo testigo los Senores Severiano M. Garza e Higinio Gonzalez, casados, labradores y vecinos de esta conprension los que firman de conformidad de lo que doy fe. __ Marias Reyna == Pedro Marroquin == Severiano M. Garza == Higinio Gonzalez == Rubricas: ______________

Es Copia fiel y legal del libro original doy fe.
El Juez del R. Civil
Matias Reyna

Sources: FamilySearch, Sanjuana Garza

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About the author 

Moises Garza

I have doing my family genealogy since 1998. I am also the creator of this blog We Are Cousins, and the Mexican Genealogy blog. To always be up to date with both of these sites follow me on Facebook. To contact me or book me for a presentation, buy my books, and or learn more about me visit my personal website at

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