Abstracting and transcribing Genealogical documents is very important and sometimes crucial. You always want to verify your sources and what better way than finding an original document and either abstracting or transcribing it. Not to mention that things you will find when taking the time to read the documents, are priceless.
As you may have already noticed I do a lot of transcribing and the following listed resources were fundamental to helping me decipher those old handwritten documents.
I do not intend nor will I do a tutorial on how or the importance of Abstracting & Transcribing Genealogical Documents but I will point you in the right direction, just follow these steps:
- Read Kimberly Powell’s article in about.com where she explains the importance of Abstracting & Transcribing Genealogical Documents. She also explains what each is and its role in genealogy.
- Read and use, Spanish Records Extraction – An Instructional Guide from byu.edu.
- Use Transcript 2.3 or Genscriber depending on your needs, both are free for personal non commercial use. Lately I have just been using Transcript since it helps me get the job done.
Remember always add your abstracts or transcriptions to your genealogical database. i also attach a copy of the image and make sure that I cite it properly for future reference. I hope that this helps you out. Any suggestions on this subject please let me know.
Welcome to the GeneaBloggers family. Hope you find the association fruitful; I sure do. I have found it most stimulating, especially some of the Daily Themes.
May you keep sharing your ancestor stories!
Dr. Bill 😉
Author of “13 Ways to Tell Your Ancestor Stories” and family saga novels:
“Back to the Homeplace” and “The Homeplace Revisited”
Dr. Bill thanks for your comments and thanks for the welcome. I started to hear GeneaBloggers a few months ago and finally I had to make the jump since I can hardly find anyone posting about genealogy for my area. I just hope that I can help other people in their Hispanic research. By the way you have a great blog.